How To Clean And Deodorize Baseball Helmets

How To Clean & Deodorize Baseball Helmets Properly

Baseball helmets can get incredibly smelly after just one game thanks to all the sweat and dirt. After a few games without cleaning, baseball helmets can become hotbeds for germs and odors.

That’s why it’s so important to keep them clean and properly maintained after every practice and game. A thoroughly cleaned and well-maintained helmet can stay fresh and safe for a long time.

Here are our top tips for cleaning and deodorizing your baseball helmet.

Step 1: Clean Dirt & Debris Off The Outside Of The Helmet

First you’ll want to clean away the dirt and debris that made its way onto your baseball helmet. Chances are there will be grass stuck in the vents and dirt caked on the outer shell.

You’ll want to take a damp towel - ideally a microfiber towel - and wipe away everything from the outside of the helmet.

To dampen the towel you can use water, but if you need to do a serious cleaning, using a sports cleaning spray like Vapor Fresh will help loosen the mess so everything can wipe away easily.

Step 2: If Possible, Remove Inner Padding

Once the outside of the helmet is nice and clean, we’ll turn our focus to the inside. Depending on what model helmet you have, the inner padding may or may not be removable. Check your helmet’s manual for guidance.

If you can remove the inner padding, doing so helps tremendously in cleaning away sweat and odors from inside your helmet.

Step 3: Wipe Away Sweat From Inside Of The Baseball Helmet

Eliminating sweat and odors from inside your baseball helmet is one of the most important steps to keeping your helmet comfortable and sanitary.

First you’ll want to generously spray the inside of your helmet with a safe cleaning spray made for sports gear and wipe the interior of the helmet clean.

We recommend Vapor Fresh Sports Cleaning Spray, as it was designed specifically for this purpose. It is completely free of harsh chemicals and won’t ruin your sports gear, so you won’t have to worry about skin irritation unlike other cleaning sprays on the market.

If you were able to remove the inner padding from your helmets, this is also a great time to rinse them down. Check with your helmet’s manufacturer's guide first, but we suggest running them under warm water to remove all sweat and debris. Be sure to allow them to dry completely before reinstalling them into your helmet.

Step 4: Spray Inside Of The Baseball Helmet With Vapor Fresh

Once everything is reassembled and clean, you should spray your helmet down one more time with Vapor Fresh. This will keep all the components fresh and clean.

Step 5: Allow The Baseball Helmet To Air Dry Completely

One of the biggest benefits of using Vapor Fresh to clean your baseball helmet is that it was designed to be left on the sports equipment as it dries. It will not leave behind any residue nor will it irritate your skin, so no need to wipe the final sprays away. It’s advised to allow the helmet to air dry naturally in an area with plenty of airflow before storing it away.

What Should You AVOID Spraying In Your Helmet?

You should not use traditional cleaning sprays in your baseball helmet. Things like window cleaner, bathroom cleaner, or even natural household cleaners are not designed to be sprayed on sports equipment, which will eventually come in contact with your skin. They could also leave a residue on your equipment, rendering them rough and uncomfortable.

You should also avoid harsh disinfectants that contain things like quaternary ammonium compounds, as they can also ruin your sports gear and seriously irritate your skin.

Can You Put A Baseball Helmet In The Washing Machine?

Baseball helmets should not be washed in the washing machine nor the dryer. The tumbling of both machines will degrade the protective nature of your helmet and reduce its power to keep you safe on the field. That’s exactly why Vapor Fresh exists - to clean your sports gear that cannot be washed!

Trust Vapor Fresh To Keep All Your Baseball Gear Fresh & Clean!

Vapor Fresh is the leader in sports cleaning products and can keep all your baseball gear fresh and clean. Never worry about irritating your skin or ruining your expensive baseball equipment. Trust Vapor Fresh to keep your gear sanitary and clean so you can keep your mind focused on the game.

Check us out on Amazon or at a local retail location near you!
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